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clang::ento::ExprEngine Class Reference

#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h"

Public Types

enum  InliningModes { Inline_Regular = 0 , Inline_Minimal = 0x1 }
 The modes of inlining, which override the default analysis-wide settings. More...

Public Member Functions

 ExprEngine (cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext &CTU, AnalysisManager &mgr, SetOfConstDecls *VisitedCalleesIn, FunctionSummariesTy *FS, InliningModes HowToInlineIn)
virtual ~ExprEngine ()=default
bool ExecuteWorkList (const LocationContext *L, unsigned Steps=150000)
 Returns true if there is still simulation state on the worklist.
ASTContextgetContext () const
 getContext - Return the ASTContext associated with this analysis.
AnalysisManagergetAnalysisManager ()
AnalysisDeclContextManagergetAnalysisDeclContextManager ()
CheckerManagergetCheckerManager () const
SValBuildergetSValBuilder ()
BugReportergetBugReporter ()
cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContextgetCrossTranslationUnitContext ()
const NodeBuilderContextgetBuilderContext ()
const StmtgetStmt () const
const LocationContextgetRootLocationContext () const
CFGBlock::ConstCFGElementRef getCFGElementRef () const
std::string DumpGraph (bool trim=false, StringRef Filename="")
 Dump graph to the specified filename.
std::string DumpGraph (ArrayRef< const ExplodedNode * > Nodes, StringRef Filename="")
 Dump the graph consisting of the given nodes to a specified filename.
void ViewGraph (bool trim=false)
 Visualize the ExplodedGraph created by executing the simulation.
void ViewGraph (ArrayRef< const ExplodedNode * > Nodes)
 Visualize a trimmed ExplodedGraph that only contains paths to the given nodes.
ProgramStateRef getInitialState (const LocationContext *InitLoc)
 getInitialState - Return the initial state used for the root vertex in the ExplodedGraph.
ExplodedGraphgetGraph ()
const ExplodedGraphgetGraph () const
void removeDead (ExplodedNode *Node, ExplodedNodeSet &Out, const Stmt *ReferenceStmt, const LocationContext *LC, const Stmt *DiagnosticStmt=nullptr, ProgramPoint::Kind K=ProgramPoint::PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind)
 Run the analyzer's garbage collection - remove dead symbols and bindings from the state.
void processCFGElement (const CFGElement E, ExplodedNode *Pred, unsigned StmtIdx, NodeBuilderContext *Ctx)
 processCFGElement - Called by CoreEngine.
void ProcessStmt (const Stmt *S, ExplodedNode *Pred)
void ProcessLoopExit (const Stmt *S, ExplodedNode *Pred)
void ProcessInitializer (const CFGInitializer I, ExplodedNode *Pred)
void ProcessImplicitDtor (const CFGImplicitDtor D, ExplodedNode *Pred)
void ProcessNewAllocator (const CXXNewExpr *NE, ExplodedNode *Pred)
void ProcessAutomaticObjDtor (const CFGAutomaticObjDtor D, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void ProcessDeleteDtor (const CFGDeleteDtor D, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void ProcessBaseDtor (const CFGBaseDtor D, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void ProcessMemberDtor (const CFGMemberDtor D, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void ProcessTemporaryDtor (const CFGTemporaryDtor D, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void processCFGBlockEntrance (const BlockEdge &L, NodeBuilderWithSinks &nodeBuilder, ExplodedNode *Pred)
 Called by CoreEngine when processing the entrance of a CFGBlock.
void processBranch (const Stmt *Condition, NodeBuilderContext &BuilderCtx, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const CFGBlock *DstT, const CFGBlock *DstF, std::optional< unsigned > IterationsCompletedInLoop)
 ProcessBranch - Called by CoreEngine.
void processCleanupTemporaryBranch (const CXXBindTemporaryExpr *BTE, NodeBuilderContext &BldCtx, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const CFGBlock *DstT, const CFGBlock *DstF)
 Called by CoreEngine.
void processStaticInitializer (const DeclStmt *DS, NodeBuilderContext &BuilderCtx, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const CFGBlock *DstT, const CFGBlock *DstF)
 Called by CoreEngine.
void processIndirectGoto (IndirectGotoNodeBuilder &builder)
 processIndirectGoto - Called by CoreEngine.
void processSwitch (SwitchNodeBuilder &builder)
 ProcessSwitch - Called by CoreEngine.
void processBeginOfFunction (NodeBuilderContext &BC, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const BlockEdge &L)
 Called by CoreEngine.
void processEndOfFunction (NodeBuilderContext &BC, ExplodedNode *Pred, const ReturnStmt *RS=nullptr)
 Called by CoreEngine.
void removeDeadOnEndOfFunction (NodeBuilderContext &BC, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Remove dead bindings/symbols before exiting a function.
void processCallEnter (NodeBuilderContext &BC, CallEnter CE, ExplodedNode *Pred)
 Generate the entry node of the callee.
void processCallExit (ExplodedNode *Pred)
 Generate the sequence of nodes that simulate the call exit and the post visit for CallExpr.
void processEndWorklist ()
 Called by CoreEngine when the analysis worklist has terminated.
ProgramStateRef processAssume (ProgramStateRef state, SVal cond, bool assumption)
 evalAssume - Callback function invoked by the ConstraintManager when making assumptions about state values.
ProgramStateRef processRegionChanges (ProgramStateRef state, const InvalidatedSymbols *invalidated, ArrayRef< const MemRegion * > ExplicitRegions, ArrayRef< const MemRegion * > Regions, const LocationContext *LCtx, const CallEvent *Call)
 processRegionChanges - Called by ProgramStateManager whenever a change is made to the store.
ProgramStateRef processRegionChange (ProgramStateRef state, const MemRegion *MR, const LocationContext *LCtx)
void printJson (raw_ostream &Out, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx, const char *NL, unsigned int Space, bool IsDot) const
 printJson - Called by ProgramStateManager to print checker-specific data.
ProgramStateManagergetStateManager ()
StoreManagergetStoreManager ()
ConstraintManagergetConstraintManager ()
BasicValueFactorygetBasicVals ()
SymbolManagergetSymbolManager ()
MemRegionManagergetRegionManager ()
DataTag::FactorygetDataTags ()
bool wasBlocksExhausted () const
bool hasEmptyWorkList () const
bool hasWorkRemaining () const
const CoreEnginegetCoreEngine () const
void Visit (const Stmt *S, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Visit - Transfer function logic for all statements.
void VisitArrayInitLoopExpr (const ArrayInitLoopExpr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitArrayInitLoopExpr - Transfer function for array init loop.
void VisitArraySubscriptExpr (const ArraySubscriptExpr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitArraySubscriptExpr - Transfer function for array accesses.
void VisitGCCAsmStmt (const GCCAsmStmt *A, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitGCCAsmStmt - Transfer function logic for inline asm.
void VisitMSAsmStmt (const MSAsmStmt *A, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitMSAsmStmt - Transfer function logic for MS inline asm.
void VisitBlockExpr (const BlockExpr *BE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitBlockExpr - Transfer function logic for BlockExprs.
void VisitLambdaExpr (const LambdaExpr *LE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitLambdaExpr - Transfer function logic for LambdaExprs.
void VisitBinaryOperator (const BinaryOperator *B, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitBinaryOperator - Transfer function logic for binary operators.
void VisitCallExpr (const CallExpr *CE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitCall - Transfer function for function calls.
void VisitCast (const CastExpr *CastE, const Expr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitCast - Transfer function logic for all casts (implicit and explicit).
void VisitCompoundLiteralExpr (const CompoundLiteralExpr *CL, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitCompoundLiteralExpr - Transfer function logic for compound literals.
void VisitCommonDeclRefExpr (const Expr *DR, const NamedDecl *D, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Transfer function logic for DeclRefExprs and BlockDeclRefExprs.
void VisitDeclStmt (const DeclStmt *DS, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitDeclStmt - Transfer function logic for DeclStmts.
void VisitGuardedExpr (const Expr *Ex, const Expr *L, const Expr *R, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitGuardedExpr - Transfer function logic for ?, __builtin_choose.
void VisitInitListExpr (const InitListExpr *E, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitLogicalExpr (const BinaryOperator *B, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitLogicalExpr - Transfer function logic for '&&', '||'.
void VisitMemberExpr (const MemberExpr *M, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitMemberExpr - Transfer function for member expressions.
void VisitAtomicExpr (const AtomicExpr *E, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitAtomicExpr - Transfer function for builtin atomic expressions.
void VisitObjCAtSynchronizedStmt (const ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt *S, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Transfer function logic for ObjCAtSynchronizedStmts.
void VisitLvalObjCIvarRefExpr (const ObjCIvarRefExpr *DR, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Transfer function logic for computing the lvalue of an Objective-C ivar.
void VisitObjCForCollectionStmt (const ObjCForCollectionStmt *S, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitObjCForCollectionStmt - Transfer function logic for ObjCForCollectionStmt.
void VisitObjCMessage (const ObjCMessageExpr *ME, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitReturnStmt (const ReturnStmt *R, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitReturnStmt - Transfer function logic for return statements.
void VisitOffsetOfExpr (const OffsetOfExpr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitOffsetOfExpr - Transfer function for offsetof.
void VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr (const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr *Ex, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr - Transfer function for sizeof.
void VisitUnaryOperator (const UnaryOperator *B, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 VisitUnaryOperator - Transfer function logic for unary operators.
void VisitIncrementDecrementOperator (const UnaryOperator *U, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Handle ++ and – (both pre- and post-increment).
void VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr (const CXXBindTemporaryExpr *BTE, ExplodedNodeSet &PreVisit, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXCatchStmt (const CXXCatchStmt *CS, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXThisExpr (const CXXThisExpr *TE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXConstructExpr (const CXXConstructExpr *E, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr (const CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr *E, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXDestructor (QualType ObjectType, const MemRegion *Dest, const Stmt *S, bool IsBaseDtor, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, EvalCallOptions &Options)
void VisitCXXNewAllocatorCall (const CXXNewExpr *CNE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXNewExpr (const CXXNewExpr *CNE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void VisitCXXDeleteExpr (const CXXDeleteExpr *CDE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
void CreateCXXTemporaryObject (const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *ME, ExplodedNode *Pred, ExplodedNodeSet &Dst)
 Create a C++ temporary object for an rvalue.
void evalEagerlyAssumeBifurcation (ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNodeSet &Src, const Expr *Ex)
 evalEagerlyAssumeBifurcation - Given the nodes in 'Src', eagerly assume concrete boolean values for 'Ex', storing the resulting nodes in 'Dst'.
bool didEagerlyAssumeBifurcateAt (ProgramStateRef State, const Expr *Ex) const
ProgramStateRef handleLValueBitCast (ProgramStateRef state, const Expr *Ex, const LocationContext *LCtx, QualType T, QualType ExTy, const CastExpr *CastE, StmtNodeBuilder &Bldr, ExplodedNode *Pred)
void handleUOExtension (ExplodedNode *N, const UnaryOperator *U, StmtNodeBuilder &Bldr)
SVal evalBinOp (ProgramStateRef ST, BinaryOperator::Opcode Op, SVal LHS, SVal RHS, QualType T)
ProgramStateRef processPointerEscapedOnBind (ProgramStateRef State, ArrayRef< std::pair< SVal, SVal > > LocAndVals, const LocationContext *LCtx, PointerEscapeKind Kind, const CallEvent *Call)
 Call PointerEscape callback when a value escapes as a result of bind.
ProgramStateRef notifyCheckersOfPointerEscape (ProgramStateRef State, const InvalidatedSymbols *Invalidated, ArrayRef< const MemRegion * > ExplicitRegions, const CallEvent *Call, RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits &ITraits)
 Call PointerEscape callback when a value escapes as a result of region invalidation.
void evalLoad (ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const Expr *NodeEx, const Expr *BoundExpr, ExplodedNode *Pred, ProgramStateRef St, SVal location, const ProgramPointTag *tag=nullptr, QualType LoadTy=QualType())
 Simulate a read of the result of Ex.
void evalStore (ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, const Expr *AssignE, const Expr *StoreE, ExplodedNode *Pred, ProgramStateRef St, SVal TargetLV, SVal Val, const ProgramPointTag *tag=nullptr)
 evalStore - Handle the semantics of a store via an assignment.
CFGElement getCurrentCFGElement ()
 Return the CFG element corresponding to the worklist element that is currently being processed by ExprEngine.
ProgramStateRef bindReturnValue (const CallEvent &Call, const LocationContext *LCtx, ProgramStateRef State)
 Create a new state in which the call return value is binded to the call origin expression.
void evalCall (ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNode *Pred, const CallEvent &Call)
 Evaluate a call, running pre- and post-call checkers and allowing checkers to be responsible for handling the evaluation of the call itself.
void defaultEvalCall (NodeBuilder &B, ExplodedNode *Pred, const CallEvent &Call, const EvalCallOptions &CallOpts={})
 Default implementation of call evaluation.
SVal computeObjectUnderConstruction (const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const NodeBuilderContext *BldrCtx, const LocationContext *LCtx, const ConstructionContext *CC, EvalCallOptions &CallOpts, unsigned Idx=0)
 Find location of the object that is being constructed by a given constructor.
ProgramStateRef updateObjectsUnderConstruction (SVal V, const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx, const ConstructionContext *CC, const EvalCallOptions &CallOpts)
 Update the program state with all the path-sensitive information that's necessary to perform construction of an object with a given syntactic construction context.
std::pair< ProgramStateRef, SValhandleConstructionContext (const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef State, const NodeBuilderContext *BldrCtx, const LocationContext *LCtx, const ConstructionContext *CC, EvalCallOptions &CallOpts, unsigned Idx=0)
 A convenient wrapper around computeObjectUnderConstruction and updateObjectsUnderConstruction.

Static Public Member Functions

static const ProgramPointTagcleanupNodeTag ()
 A tag to track convenience transitions, which can be removed at cleanup.
static std::pair< const ProgramPointTag *, const ProgramPointTag * > getEagerlyAssumeBifurcationTags ()
static std::optional< unsignedgetIndexOfElementToConstruct (ProgramStateRef State, const CXXConstructExpr *E, const LocationContext *LCtx)
 Retreives which element is being constructed in a non-POD type array.
static std::optional< unsignedgetPendingArrayDestruction (ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx)
 Retreives which element is being destructed in a non-POD type array.
static std::optional< unsignedgetPendingInitLoop (ProgramStateRef State, const CXXConstructExpr *E, const LocationContext *LCtx)
 Retreives the size of the array in the pending ArrayInitLoopExpr.
static std::optional< SValgetObjectUnderConstruction (ProgramStateRef State, const ConstructionContextItem &Item, const LocationContext *LC)
 By looking at a certain item that may be potentially part of an object's ConstructionContext, retrieve such object's location.
static ProgramStateRef setWhetherHasMoreIteration (ProgramStateRef State, const ObjCForCollectionStmt *O, const LocationContext *LC, bool HasMoreIteraton)
 Note whether this loop has any more iteratios to model.
static ProgramStateRef removeIterationState (ProgramStateRef State, const ObjCForCollectionStmt *O, const LocationContext *LC)
static bool hasMoreIteration (ProgramStateRef State, const ObjCForCollectionStmt *O, const LocationContext *LC)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 124 of file ExprEngine.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ InliningModes

The modes of inlining, which override the default analysis-wide settings.


Follow the default settings for inlining callees.


Do minimal inlining of callees.

Definition at line 129 of file ExprEngine.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ExprEngine()

ExprEngine::ExprEngine ( cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext CTU,
AnalysisManager mgr,
SetOfConstDecls VisitedCalleesIn,
FunctionSummariesTy FS,
InliningModes  HowToInlineIn 

◆ ~ExprEngine()

virtual clang::ento::ExprEngine::~ExprEngine ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ bindReturnValue()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::bindReturnValue ( const CallEvent Call,
const LocationContext LCtx,
ProgramStateRef  State 

◆ cleanupNodeTag()

const ProgramPointTag * ExprEngine::cleanupNodeTag ( )

A tag to track convenience transitions, which can be removed at cleanup.

This tag applies to a node created after removeDead.

Definition at line 1107 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

Referenced by removeDead().

◆ computeObjectUnderConstruction()

SVal ExprEngine::computeObjectUnderConstruction ( const Expr E,
ProgramStateRef  State,
const NodeBuilderContext BldrCtx,
const LocationContext LCtx,
const ConstructionContext CC,
EvalCallOptions CallOpts,
unsigned  Idx = 0 

Find location of the object that is being constructed by a given constructor.

This should ideally always succeed but due to not being fully implemented it sometimes indicates that it failed via its out-parameter CallOpts; in such cases a fake temporary region is returned, which is better than nothing but does not represent the actual behavior of the program. The Idx parameter is used if we construct an array of objects. In that case it points to the index of the continuous memory region. E.g.: For int arr[4] this index can be 0,1,2,3. For int arr2[3][3] this index can be 0,1,...,7,8. A multi-dimensional array is also a continuous memory location in a row major order, so for arr[0][0] Idx is 0 and for arr[2][2] Idx is 8.

Definition at line 113 of file ExprEngineCXX.cpp.

References clang::ConstructionContext::ArgumentKind, clang::ento::NodeBuilderContext::blockCount(), computeObjectUnderConstruction(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::conjureSymbolVal(), clang::ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyConstructorInitializerKind, clang::ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyReturnedValueKind, clang::ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyVariableKind, E, clang::ConstructionContext::ElidedTemporaryObjectKind, clang::ento::AnalysisManager::getAnalyzerOptions(), clang::ento::SVal::getAsRegion(), clang::ento::ProgramStateManager::getCallEventManager(), clang::StackFrameContext::getCallSite(), clang::StackFrameContext::getCallSiteBlock(), getCFGElementRef(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::getContext(), getContext(), getCoreEngine(), clang::ento::MemRegionManager::getCXXBaseObjectRegion(), clang::ento::CallEventManager::getCXXConstructorCall(), clang::ento::MemRegionManager::getCXXLifetimeExtendedObjectRegion(), clang::ento::MemRegionManager::getCXXStaticLifetimeExtendedObjectRegion(), clang::ento::MemRegionManager::getCXXTempObjectRegion(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::getCXXThis(), clang::LocationContext::getDecl(), clang::ento::MemRegionManager::getElementRegion(), clang::MaterializeTemporaryExpr::getExtendingDecl(), clang::StackFrameContext::getIndex(), getIndexOfElementToConstruct(), clang::ConstructionContext::getKind(), clang::ento::CallEventManager::getObjCMethodCall(), getObjectUnderConstruction(), clang::LocationContext::getParent(), clang::ASTContext::getPointerType(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::getRegionManager(), clang::ento::CallEventManager::getSimpleCall(), clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), getStateManager(), clang::MaterializeTemporaryExpr::getStorageDuration(), getSValBuilder(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Init, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsArrayCtorOrDtor, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsElidableCtorThatHasNotBeenElided, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsTemporaryCtorOrDtor, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsTemporaryLifetimeExtendedViaAggregate, clang::ento::CallEvent::isVariadic(), clang::ConstructionContext::LambdaCaptureKind, clang::ento::SValBuilder::makeArrayIndex(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::makeLoc(), clang::ConstructionContext::NewAllocatedObjectKind, clang::SD_FullExpression, clang::SD_Static, clang::SD_Thread, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleConstructorInitializerKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleReturnedValueKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleTemporaryObjectKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleVariableKind, and V.

Referenced by computeObjectUnderConstruction(), clang::ento::CallEvent::getReturnValueUnderConstruction(), and handleConstructionContext().

◆ CreateCXXTemporaryObject()

void ExprEngine::CreateCXXTemporaryObject ( const MaterializeTemporaryExpr ME,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ defaultEvalCall()

void ExprEngine::defaultEvalCall ( NodeBuilder B,
ExplodedNode Pred,
const CallEvent Call,
const EvalCallOptions CallOpts = {} 

◆ didEagerlyAssumeBifurcateAt()

bool ExprEngine::didEagerlyAssumeBifurcateAt ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const Expr Ex 
) const

Definition at line 3811 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

Referenced by processBranch().

◆ DumpGraph() [1/2]

std::string ExprEngine::DumpGraph ( ArrayRef< const ExplodedNode * >  Nodes,
StringRef  Filename = "" 

Dump the graph consisting of the given nodes to a specified filename.

Generate a temporary filename if it's not provided.

The filename the graph is written into.

Definition at line 3987 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References Filename, Nodes, and clang::ento::ExplodedGraph::trim().

◆ DumpGraph() [2/2]

std::string ExprEngine::DumpGraph ( bool  trim = false,
StringRef  Filename = "" 

Dump graph to the specified filename.

If filename is empty, generate a temporary one.

The filename the graph is written into.

Definition at line 3966 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::Class, DumpGraph(), clang::ento::BugReporter::equivalenceClasses(), and Filename.

Referenced by DumpGraph(), and ViewGraph().

◆ evalBinOp()

SVal clang::ento::ExprEngine::evalBinOp ( ProgramStateRef  ST,
BinaryOperator::Opcode  Op,
SVal  LHS,
SVal  RHS,
QualType  T 

◆ evalCall()

void ExprEngine::evalCall ( ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
ExplodedNode Pred,
const CallEvent Call 

◆ evalEagerlyAssumeBifurcation()

void clang::ento::ExprEngine::evalEagerlyAssumeBifurcation ( ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
ExplodedNodeSet Src,
const Expr Ex 

evalEagerlyAssumeBifurcation - Given the nodes in 'Src', eagerly assume concrete boolean values for 'Ex', storing the resulting nodes in 'Dst'.

Referenced by Visit().

◆ evalLoad()

void ExprEngine::evalLoad ( ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
const Expr NodeEx,
const Expr BoundExpr,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ProgramStateRef  St,
SVal  location,
const ProgramPointTag tag = nullptr,
QualType  LoadTy = QualType() 

◆ evalStore()

void ExprEngine::evalStore ( ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
const Expr AssignE,
const Expr LocationE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ProgramStateRef  state,
SVal  location,
SVal  Val,
const ProgramPointTag tag = nullptr 

evalStore - Handle the semantics of a store via an assignment.

DstThe node set to store generated state nodes
AssignEThe assignment expression if the store happens in an assignment.
LocationEThe location expression that is stored to.
stateThe current simulation state
locationThe location to store the value
ValThe value to be stored

Definition at line 3656 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet::empty(), and clang::ento::SVal::isUndef().

Referenced by VisitBinaryOperator(), and VisitIncrementDecrementOperator().

◆ ExecuteWorkList()

bool clang::ento::ExprEngine::ExecuteWorkList ( const LocationContext L,
unsigned  Steps = 150000 

Returns true if there is still simulation state on the worklist.

Definition at line 189 of file ExprEngine.h.

References clang::ento::CoreEngine::ExecuteWorkList(), clang::LocationContext::getDecl(), clang::LocationContext::inTopFrame(), and clang::ento::BugReporter::setAnalysisEntryPoint().

◆ getAnalysisDeclContextManager()

AnalysisDeclContextManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getAnalysisDeclContextManager ( )

◆ getAnalysisManager()

AnalysisManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getAnalysisManager ( )

◆ getBasicVals()

BasicValueFactory & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getBasicVals ( )

◆ getBugReporter()

BugReporter & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getBugReporter ( )

◆ getBuilderContext()

const NodeBuilderContext & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getBuilderContext ( )

◆ getCFGElementRef()

CFGBlock::ConstCFGElementRef clang::ento::ExprEngine::getCFGElementRef ( ) const

◆ getCheckerManager()

CheckerManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getCheckerManager ( ) const

◆ getConstraintManager()

ConstraintManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getConstraintManager ( )

◆ getContext()

ASTContext & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getContext ( ) const

◆ getCoreEngine()

const CoreEngine & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getCoreEngine ( ) const

Definition at line 437 of file ExprEngine.h.

Referenced by computeObjectUnderConstruction(), and processCallExit().

◆ getCrossTranslationUnitContext()

cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext * clang::ento::ExprEngine::getCrossTranslationUnitContext ( )

Definition at line 213 of file ExprEngine.h.

◆ getCurrentCFGElement()

CFGElement clang::ento::ExprEngine::getCurrentCFGElement ( )

Return the CFG element corresponding to the worklist element that is currently being processed by ExprEngine.

Definition at line 692 of file ExprEngine.h.

References clang::ento::NodeBuilderContext::getBlock().

Referenced by bindReturnValue().

◆ getDataTags()

DataTag::Factory & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getDataTags ( )

◆ getEagerlyAssumeBifurcationTags()

std::pair< const ProgramPointTag *, const ProgramPointTag * > ExprEngine::getEagerlyAssumeBifurcationTags ( )

◆ getGraph() [1/2]

ExplodedGraph & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getGraph ( )

Definition at line 256 of file ExprEngine.h.

Referenced by clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReporter::getGraph().

◆ getGraph() [2/2]

const ExplodedGraph & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 257 of file ExprEngine.h.

◆ getIndexOfElementToConstruct()

std::optional< unsigned > ExprEngine::getIndexOfElementToConstruct ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const CXXConstructExpr E,
const LocationContext LCtx 

Retreives which element is being constructed in a non-POD type array.

Definition at line 513 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References E, clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), and V.

Referenced by computeObjectUnderConstruction().

◆ getInitialState()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::getInitialState ( const LocationContext InitLoc)

◆ getObjectUnderConstruction()

std::optional< SVal > ExprEngine::getObjectUnderConstruction ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const ConstructionContextItem Item,
const LocationContext LC 

By looking at a certain item that may be potentially part of an object's ConstructionContext, retrieve such object's location.

A particular statement can be transparently passed as Item in most cases.

Definition at line 603 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), and V.

Referenced by computeObjectUnderConstruction(), clang::ento::CXXAllocatorCall::getObjectUnderConstruction(), clang::ento::CallEvent::isArgumentConstructedDirectly(), processCleanupTemporaryBranch(), ProcessInitializer(), ProcessTemporaryDtor(), VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(), VisitCXXNewExpr(), VisitDeclStmt(), and VisitLambdaExpr().

◆ getPendingArrayDestruction()

std::optional< unsigned > ExprEngine::getPendingArrayDestruction ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const LocationContext LCtx 

Retreives which element is being destructed in a non-POD type array.

Definition at line 532 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), and V.

Referenced by processCallExit().

◆ getPendingInitLoop()

std::optional< unsigned > ExprEngine::getPendingInitLoop ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const CXXConstructExpr E,
const LocationContext LCtx 

Retreives the size of the array in the pending ArrayInitLoopExpr.

Definition at line 486 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References E, clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), and V.

◆ getRegionManager()

MemRegionManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getRegionManager ( )

Definition at line 428 of file ExprEngine.h.

◆ getRootLocationContext()

const LocationContext * clang::ento::ExprEngine::getRootLocationContext ( ) const

◆ getStateManager()

ProgramStateManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getStateManager ( )

◆ getStmt()

const Stmt * clang::ento::ExprEngine::getStmt ( ) const

◆ getStoreManager()

StoreManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getStoreManager ( )

◆ getSValBuilder()

SValBuilder & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getSValBuilder ( )

◆ getSymbolManager()

SymbolManager & clang::ento::ExprEngine::getSymbolManager ( )

Definition at line 427 of file ExprEngine.h.

◆ handleConstructionContext()

std::pair< ProgramStateRef, SVal > clang::ento::ExprEngine::handleConstructionContext ( const Expr E,
ProgramStateRef  State,
const NodeBuilderContext BldrCtx,
const LocationContext LCtx,
const ConstructionContext CC,
EvalCallOptions CallOpts,
unsigned  Idx = 0 

A convenient wrapper around computeObjectUnderConstruction and updateObjectsUnderConstruction.

Definition at line 743 of file ExprEngine.h.

References computeObjectUnderConstruction(), E, updateObjectsUnderConstruction(), and V.

Referenced by bindReturnValue().

◆ handleLValueBitCast()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::handleLValueBitCast ( ProgramStateRef  state,
const Expr Ex,
const LocationContext LCtx,
QualType  T,
QualType  ExTy,
const CastExpr CastE,
StmtNodeBuilder Bldr,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ handleUOExtension()

void ExprEngine::handleUOExtension ( ExplodedNode N,
const UnaryOperator U,
StmtNodeBuilder Bldr 

◆ hasEmptyWorkList()

bool clang::ento::ExprEngine::hasEmptyWorkList ( ) const

◆ hasMoreIteration()

bool ExprEngine::hasMoreIteration ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const ObjCForCollectionStmt O,
const LocationContext LC 

Definition at line 2707 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

Referenced by assumeCondition().

◆ hasWorkRemaining()

bool clang::ento::ExprEngine::hasWorkRemaining ( ) const

Definition at line 435 of file ExprEngine.h.

References clang::ento::CoreEngine::hasWorkRemaining().

◆ notifyCheckersOfPointerEscape()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::notifyCheckersOfPointerEscape ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const InvalidatedSymbols Invalidated,
ArrayRef< const MemRegion * >  ExplicitRegions,
const CallEvent Call,
RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits ITraits 

Call PointerEscape callback when a value escapes as a result of region invalidation.

[in]ITraitsSpecifies invalidation traits for regions/symbols.

Definition at line 3555 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::Call, getCheckerManager(), clang::ento::PSK_DirectEscapeOnCall, clang::ento::PSK_EscapeOther, clang::ento::PSK_IndirectEscapeOnCall, and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPointerEscape().

◆ printJson()

void ExprEngine::printJson ( raw_ostream &  Out,
ProgramStateRef  State,
const LocationContext LCtx,
const char *  NL,
unsigned int  Space,
bool  IsDot 
) const

◆ processAssume()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::processAssume ( ProgramStateRef  state,
SVal  cond,
bool  assumption 

evalAssume - Callback function invoked by the ConstraintManager when making assumptions about state values.

evalAssume - Called by ConstraintManager.

Used to call checker-specific logic for handling assumptions on symbolic values.

Definition at line 667 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References getCheckerManager(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForEvalAssume().

◆ ProcessAutomaticObjDtor()

void ExprEngine::ProcessAutomaticObjDtor ( const CFGAutomaticObjDtor  D,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ ProcessBaseDtor()

void ExprEngine::ProcessBaseDtor ( const CFGBaseDtor  D,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ processBeginOfFunction()

void ExprEngine::processBeginOfFunction ( NodeBuilderContext BC,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
const BlockEdge L 

Called by CoreEngine.

Used to notify checkers that processing a function has begun. Called for both inlined and top-level functions.

Definition at line 2917 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References getCheckerManager(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForBeginFunction().

Referenced by clang::ento::CoreEngine::ExecuteWorkList(), and processCallEnter().

◆ processBranch()

void ExprEngine::processBranch ( const Stmt Condition,
NodeBuilderContext BuilderCtx,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
const CFGBlock DstT,
const CFGBlock DstF,
std::optional< unsigned IterationsCompletedInLoop 

ProcessBranch - Called by CoreEngine.

Used to generate successor nodes by processing the 'effects' of a branch condition. If the branch condition is a loop condition, IterationsCompletedInLoop is the number of completed iterations (otherwise it's std::nullopt).

Definition at line 2764 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References assumeCondition(), clang::Condition, didEagerlyAssumeBifurcateAt(), clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet::empty(), clang::ento::BranchNodeBuilder::generateNode(), clang::ento::NodeBuilderContext::getBlock(), getCheckerManager(), getContext(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getLocationContext(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getState(), clang::ento::AnalysisManager::options, ResolveCondition(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForBranchCondition().

◆ processCallEnter()

void ExprEngine::processCallEnter ( NodeBuilderContext BC,
CallEnter  CE,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ processCallExit()

void ExprEngine::processCallExit ( ExplodedNode CEBNode)

Generate the sequence of nodes that simulate the call exit and the post visit for CallExpr.

The call exit is simulated with a sequence of nodes, which occur between CallExitBegin and CallExitEnd.

The following operations occur between the two program points:

  1. CallExitBegin (triggers the start of call exit sequence)
  2. Bind the return value
  3. Run Remove dead bindings to clean up the dead symbols from the callee.
  4. CallExitEnd (switch to the caller context)
  5. PostStmt<CallExpr>

Definition at line 254 of file ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp.

References clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet::Add(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::addPredecessor(), adjustReturnValue(), clang::AnalyzerOptions::AnalysisPurgeOpt, clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet::begin(), clang::Call, clang::ento::SVal::castAs(), clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet::end(), clang::ento::WorkList::enqueue(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::evalCast(), clang::LocationContext::getAnalysisDeclContext(), clang::ento::AnalysisManager::getAnalyzerOptions(), clang::AnalysisDeclContext::getBody(), clang::ento::CallEventManager::getCaller(), clang::ento::ProgramStateManager::getCallEventManager(), clang::StackFrameContext::getCallSite(), clang::StackFrameContext::getCallSiteBlock(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getCFG(), getCheckerManager(), getContext(), getCoreEngine(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::getCXXThis(), clang::LocationContext::getDecl(), clang::ento::CallEvent::getDeclaredResultType(), clang::CFG::getExit(), clang::StackFrameContext::getIndex(), getLastStmt(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getLocationContext(), clang::ento::ExplodedGraph::getNode(), clang::LocationContext::getParent(), getPendingArrayDestruction(), clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getStackFrame(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getState(), getStateManager(), getStoreManager(), clang::ento::SVal::getType(), clang::ento::CoreEngine::getWorkList(), clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet::insert(), clang::QualType::isNull(), clang::ento::AnalysisManager::options, clang::ProgramPoint::PostStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind, removeDead(), clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForNewAllocator(), clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPostCall(), clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPostObjCMessage(), clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPostStmt(), V, and wasDifferentDeclUsedForInlining().

Referenced by clang::ento::CoreEngine::dispatchWorkItem().

◆ processCFGBlockEntrance()

void ExprEngine::processCFGBlockEntrance ( const BlockEdge L,
NodeBuilderWithSinks nodeBuilder,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ processCFGElement()

void ExprEngine::processCFGElement ( const CFGElement  E,
ExplodedNode Pred,
unsigned  StmtIdx,
NodeBuilderContext Ctx 

◆ processCleanupTemporaryBranch()

void ExprEngine::processCleanupTemporaryBranch ( const CXXBindTemporaryExpr BTE,
NodeBuilderContext BldCtx,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
const CFGBlock DstT,
const CFGBlock DstF 

Called by CoreEngine.

Used to generate successor nodes for temporary destructors depending on whether the corresponding constructor was visited.

Definition at line 1640 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::ento::BranchNodeBuilder::generateNode(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getLocationContext(), getObjectUnderConstruction(), and clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getState().

◆ ProcessDeleteDtor()

void ExprEngine::ProcessDeleteDtor ( const CFGDeleteDtor  D,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ processEndOfFunction()

void ExprEngine::processEndOfFunction ( NodeBuilderContext BC,
ExplodedNode Pred,
const ReturnStmt RS = nullptr 

◆ processEndWorklist()

void ExprEngine::processEndWorklist ( )

Called by CoreEngine when the analysis worklist has terminated.

Definition at line 960 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References getCheckerManager(), getRootLocationContext(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForEndAnalysis().

Referenced by clang::ento::CoreEngine::ExecuteWorkList().

◆ ProcessImplicitDtor()

void ExprEngine::ProcessImplicitDtor ( const CFGImplicitDtor  D,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ processIndirectGoto()

void ExprEngine::processIndirectGoto ( IndirectGotoNodeBuilder builder)

processIndirectGoto - Called by CoreEngine.

Used to generate successor nodes by processing the 'effects' of a computed goto jump.

Definition at line 2876 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::ento::IndirectGotoNodeBuilder::generateNode(), clang::ento::IndirectGotoNodeBuilder::getLocationContext(), clang::ento::IndirectGotoNodeBuilder::getState(), clang::ento::IndirectGotoNodeBuilder::getTarget(), and V.

◆ ProcessInitializer()

void ExprEngine::ProcessInitializer ( const CFGInitializer  I,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ ProcessLoopExit()

void ExprEngine::ProcessLoopExit ( const Stmt S,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ ProcessMemberDtor()

void ExprEngine::ProcessMemberDtor ( const CFGMemberDtor  D,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ ProcessNewAllocator()

void ExprEngine::ProcessNewAllocator ( const CXXNewExpr NE,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ processPointerEscapedOnBind()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::processPointerEscapedOnBind ( ProgramStateRef  State,
ArrayRef< std::pair< SVal, SVal > >  LocAndVals,
const LocationContext LCtx,
PointerEscapeKind  Kind,
const CallEvent Call 

Call PointerEscape callback when a value escapes as a result of bind.

Definition at line 3505 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::Call, clang::ento::MemRegion::getBaseRegion(), and clang::ento::MemRegion::getMemorySpace().

Referenced by evalCall().

◆ processRegionChange()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::ExprEngine::processRegionChange ( ProgramStateRef  state,
const MemRegion MR,
const LocationContext LCtx 

◆ processRegionChanges()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::processRegionChanges ( ProgramStateRef  state,
const InvalidatedSymbols invalidated,
ArrayRef< const MemRegion * >  ExplicitRegions,
ArrayRef< const MemRegion * >  Regions,
const LocationContext LCtx,
const CallEvent Call 

processRegionChanges - Called by ProgramStateManager whenever a change is made to the store.

Used to update checkers that track region values.

Definition at line 673 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::Call, getCheckerManager(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForRegionChanges().

Referenced by processRegionChange().

◆ processStaticInitializer()

void clang::ento::ExprEngine::processStaticInitializer ( const DeclStmt DS,
NodeBuilderContext BuilderCtx,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
const CFGBlock DstT,
const CFGBlock DstF 

Called by CoreEngine.

Used to processing branching behavior at static initializers.

◆ ProcessStmt()

void ExprEngine::ProcessStmt ( const Stmt S,
ExplodedNode Pred 

◆ processSwitch()

void ExprEngine::processSwitch ( SwitchNodeBuilder builder)

◆ ProcessTemporaryDtor()

void ExprEngine::ProcessTemporaryDtor ( const CFGTemporaryDtor  D,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ removeDead()

void ExprEngine::removeDead ( ExplodedNode Node,
ExplodedNodeSet Out,
const Stmt ReferenceStmt,
const LocationContext LC,
const Stmt DiagnosticStmt = nullptr,
ProgramPoint::Kind  K = ProgramPoint::PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind 

Run the analyzer's garbage collection - remove dead symbols and bindings from the state.

Checkers can participate in this process with two callbacks: checkLiveSymbols and checkDeadSymbols. See the CheckerDocumentation class for more information.

NodeThe predecessor node, from which the processing should start.
OutThe returned set of output nodes.
ReferenceStmtThe statement which is about to be processed. Everything needed for this statement should be considered live. A null statement means that everything in child LocationContexts is dead.
LCThe location context of the ReferenceStmt. A null location context means that we have reached the end of analysis and that all statements and local variables should be considered dead.
DiagnosticStmtUsed as a location for any warnings that should occur while removing the dead (e.g. leaks). By default, the ReferenceStmt is used.
KDenotes whether this is a pre- or post-statement purge. This must only be ProgramPoint::PostStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind if an entire location context is being cleared, in which case the ReferenceStmt must either be a ReturnStmt or NULL. Otherwise, it must be ProgramPoint::PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind (the default) and ReferenceStmt must be valid (non-null).

Definition at line 1029 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References cleanupNodeTag(), clang::ento::StmtNodeBuilder::generateNode(), getCheckerManager(), getConstraintManager(), clang::LocationContext::getParent(), clang::ento::ProgramStateManager::getPersistentStateWithGDM(), clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getState(), getStoreManager(), clang::ento::ProgramStateManager::haveEqualEnvironments(), clang::ento::ProgramStateManager::haveEqualStores(), clang::ento::SymbolReaper::markLive(), clang::ProgramPoint::PostStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind, clang::ProgramPoint::PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbolsKind, clang::ento::ConstraintManager::removeDeadBindings(), clang::ento::ProgramStateManager::removeDeadBindingsFromEnvironmentAndStore(), clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForDeadSymbols(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForLiveSymbols().

Referenced by processCallExit(), ProcessStmt(), and removeDeadOnEndOfFunction().

◆ removeDeadOnEndOfFunction()

void ExprEngine::removeDeadOnEndOfFunction ( NodeBuilderContext BC,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ removeIterationState()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::removeIterationState ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const ObjCForCollectionStmt O,
const LocationContext LC 

Definition at line 2700 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

Referenced by assumeCondition().

◆ setWhetherHasMoreIteration()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::setWhetherHasMoreIteration ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const ObjCForCollectionStmt O,
const LocationContext LC,
bool  HasMoreIteraton 

Note whether this loop has any more iteratios to model.

These methods are essentially an interface for a GDM trait. Further reading in ExprEngine::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt().

Definition at line 2692 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

Referenced by populateObjCForDestinationSet().

◆ updateObjectsUnderConstruction()

ProgramStateRef ExprEngine::updateObjectsUnderConstruction ( SVal  V,
const Expr E,
ProgramStateRef  State,
const LocationContext LCtx,
const ConstructionContext CC,
const EvalCallOptions CallOpts 

Update the program state with all the path-sensitive information that's necessary to perform construction of an object with a given syntactic construction context.

V and CallOpts have to be obtained from computeObjectUnderConstruction() invoked with the same set of the remaining arguments (E, State, LCtx, CC).

Definition at line 391 of file ExprEngineCXX.cpp.

References clang::ConstructionContext::ArgumentKind, clang::ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyConstructorInitializerKind, clang::ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyReturnedValueKind, clang::ConstructionContext::CXX17ElidedCopyVariableKind, clang::ConstructionContext::ElidedTemporaryObjectKind, clang::ento::AnalysisManager::getAnalyzerOptions(), clang::StackFrameContext::getCallSite(), clang::StackFrameContext::getCallSiteBlock(), clang::StackFrameContext::getIndex(), clang::ConstructionContext::getKind(), clang::LocationContext::getParent(), clang::LocationContext::getStackFrame(), clang::Init, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsCtorOrDtorWithImproperlyModeledTargetRegion, clang::ento::EvalCallOptions::IsElidableCtorThatHasNotBeenElided, clang::ConstructionContext::LambdaCaptureKind, clang::ConstructionContext::NewAllocatedObjectKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleConstructorInitializerKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleReturnedValueKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleTemporaryObjectKind, clang::ConstructionContext::SimpleVariableKind, updateObjectsUnderConstruction(), and V.

Referenced by handleConstructionContext(), and updateObjectsUnderConstruction().

◆ ViewGraph() [1/2]

void ExprEngine::ViewGraph ( ArrayRef< const ExplodedNode * >  Nodes)

Visualize a trimmed ExplodedGraph that only contains paths to the given nodes.

Definition at line 3961 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References DumpGraph(), Filename, and Nodes.

◆ ViewGraph() [2/2]

void ExprEngine::ViewGraph ( bool  trim = false)

Visualize the ExplodedGraph created by executing the simulation.

Definition at line 3956 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References DumpGraph(), and Filename.

◆ Visit()

void ExprEngine::Visit ( const Stmt S,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

Visit - Transfer function logic for all statements.

Dispatches to other functions that handle specific kinds of statements.

Definition at line 1710 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::ento::CoreEngine::addAbortedBlock(), clang::ento::NodeBuilder::addNodes(), clang::ento::NodeBuilderContext::blockCount(), clang::C, clang::ento::SValBuilder::conjureSymbolVal(), CreateCXXTemporaryObject(), E, evalEagerlyAssumeBifurcation(), clang::ento::StmtNodeBuilder::generateNode(), clang::ento::StmtNodeBuilder::generateSink(), clang::ento::NodeBuilderContext::getBlock(), getCheckerManager(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::getConstantVal(), getContext(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getLocationContext(), clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getState(), isRecordType(), clang::ento::SValBuilder::makeIntValWithWidth(), Node, clang::Stmt::NoStmtClass, clang::ento::AnalysisManager::options, PostVisit, clang::ProgramPoint::PreStmtKind, clang::ento::PSK_EscapeOther, clang::Result, clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPostStmt(), clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPreStmt(), clang::ento::NodeBuilder::takeNodes(), V, VisitArrayInitLoopExpr(), VisitArraySubscriptExpr(), VisitAtomicExpr(), VisitBinaryOperator(), VisitBlockExpr(), VisitCallExpr(), VisitCast(), VisitCommonDeclRefExpr(), VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(), VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(), VisitCXXCatchStmt(), VisitCXXConstructExpr(), VisitCXXDeleteExpr(), VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr(), VisitCXXNewExpr(), VisitCXXThisExpr(), VisitDeclStmt(), VisitGCCAsmStmt(), VisitGuardedExpr(), VisitInitListExpr(), VisitLambdaExpr(), VisitLogicalExpr(), VisitLvalObjCIvarRefExpr(), VisitMemberExpr(), VisitMSAsmStmt(), VisitObjCAtSynchronizedStmt(), VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(), VisitObjCMessage(), VisitOffsetOfExpr(), VisitReturnStmt(), VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(), and VisitUnaryOperator().

Referenced by ProcessStmt().

◆ VisitArrayInitLoopExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitArrayInitLoopExpr ( const ArrayInitLoopExpr Ex,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitArraySubscriptExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitArraySubscriptExpr ( const ArraySubscriptExpr Ex,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitAtomicExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitAtomicExpr ( const AtomicExpr E,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitBinaryOperator()

void ExprEngine::VisitBinaryOperator ( const BinaryOperator B,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitBlockExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitBlockExpr ( const BlockExpr BE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCallExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCallExpr ( const CallExpr CE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCast()

void ExprEngine::VisitCast ( const CastExpr CastE,
const Expr Ex,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCommonDeclRefExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCommonDeclRefExpr ( const Expr DR,
const NamedDecl D,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCompoundLiteralExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCompoundLiteralExpr ( const CompoundLiteralExpr CL,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr ( const CXXBindTemporaryExpr BTE,
ExplodedNodeSet PreVisit,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCXXCatchStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXCatchStmt ( const CXXCatchStmt CS,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCXXConstructExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr ( const CXXConstructExpr E,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

Definition at line 791 of file ExprEngineCXX.cpp.

Referenced by Visit().

◆ VisitCXXDeleteExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXDeleteExpr ( const CXXDeleteExpr CDE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCXXDestructor()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXDestructor ( QualType  ObjectType,
const MemRegion Dest,
const Stmt S,
bool  IsBaseDtor,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst,
EvalCallOptions Options 

◆ VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr ( const CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr E,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

Definition at line 797 of file ExprEngineCXX.cpp.

Referenced by Visit().

◆ VisitCXXNewAllocatorCall()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXNewAllocatorCall ( const CXXNewExpr CNE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCXXNewExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXNewExpr ( const CXXNewExpr CNE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitCXXThisExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitCXXThisExpr ( const CXXThisExpr TE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitDeclStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitDeclStmt ( const DeclStmt DS,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitGCCAsmStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitGCCAsmStmt ( const GCCAsmStmt A,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitGuardedExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitGuardedExpr ( const Expr Ex,
const Expr L,
const Expr R,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitIncrementDecrementOperator()

void ExprEngine::VisitIncrementDecrementOperator ( const UnaryOperator U,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitInitListExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitInitListExpr ( const InitListExpr E,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitLambdaExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitLambdaExpr ( const LambdaExpr LE,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitLogicalExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitLogicalExpr ( const BinaryOperator B,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitLvalObjCIvarRefExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitLvalObjCIvarRefExpr ( const ObjCIvarRefExpr DR,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitMemberExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitMemberExpr ( const MemberExpr M,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitMSAsmStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitMSAsmStmt ( const MSAsmStmt A,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

VisitMSAsmStmt - Transfer function logic for MS inline asm.

Definition at line 3851 of file ExprEngine.cpp.

References clang::ento::StmtNodeBuilder::generateNode(), and clang::ento::ExplodedNode::getState().

Referenced by Visit().

◆ VisitObjCAtSynchronizedStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitObjCAtSynchronizedStmt ( const ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt S,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

Transfer function logic for ObjCAtSynchronizedStmts.

Definition at line 38 of file ExprEngineObjC.cpp.

References getCheckerManager(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::runCheckersForPreStmt().

Referenced by Visit().

◆ VisitObjCForCollectionStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt ( const ObjCForCollectionStmt S,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitObjCMessage()

void ExprEngine::VisitObjCMessage ( const ObjCMessageExpr ME,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitOffsetOfExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitOffsetOfExpr ( const OffsetOfExpr Ex,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitReturnStmt()

void ExprEngine::VisitReturnStmt ( const ReturnStmt R,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr()

void ExprEngine::VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr ( const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr Ex,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ VisitUnaryOperator()

void ExprEngine::VisitUnaryOperator ( const UnaryOperator B,
ExplodedNode Pred,
ExplodedNodeSet Dst 

◆ wasBlocksExhausted()

bool clang::ento::ExprEngine::wasBlocksExhausted ( ) const

Definition at line 433 of file ExprEngine.h.

References clang::ento::CoreEngine::wasBlocksExhausted().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: