clang 20.0.0git
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
clang::driver Namespace Reference


namespace  options
namespace  phases
namespace  toolchains
namespace  tools
namespace  types


class  Action
 Action - Represent an abstract compilation step to perform. More...
class  AnalyzeJobAction
class  AssembleJobAction
class  BackendJobAction
class  BinaryAnalyzeJobAction
class  BindArchAction
class  CC1Command
 Use the CC1 tool callback when available, to avoid creating a new process. More...
class  Command
 Command - An executable path/name and argument vector to execute. More...
class  Compilation
 Compilation - A set of tasks to perform for a single driver invocation. More...
class  CompileJobAction
struct  CrashReportInfo
class  CudaInstallationDetector
 A class to find a viable CUDA installation. More...
struct  DetectedMultilibs
struct  DeviceLibABIVersion
 ABI version of device library. More...
class  Distro
 Distro - Helper class for detecting and classifying Linux distributions. More...
class  Driver
 Driver - Encapsulate logic for constructing compilation processes from a set of gcc-driver-like command line arguments. More...
class  DsymutilJobAction
class  ExtractAPIJobAction
class  IfsMergeJobAction
class  InputAction
class  InputInfo
 InputInfo - Wrapper for information about an input source. More...
class  JobAction
class  JobList
 JobList - A sequence of jobs to perform. More...
class  LinkerWrapperJobAction
class  LinkJobAction
class  LipoJobAction
class  MigrateJobAction
class  Multilib
 This corresponds to a single GCC Multilib, or a segment of one controlled by a command line flag. More...
class  MultilibBuilder
 This corresponds to a single GCC multilib, or a segment of one controlled by a command line flag. More...
class  MultilibSet
 See also MultilibSetBuilder for combining multilibs into a set. More...
class  MultilibSetBuilder
 This class can be used to create a MultilibSet, and contains helper functions to add combinations of multilibs before creating a MultilibSet instance with makeMultilibSet(). More...
class  OffloadAction
 An offload action combines host or/and device actions according to the programming model implementation needs and propagates the offloading kind to its dependences. More...
class  OffloadBundlingJobAction
class  OffloadPackagerJobAction
class  OffloadUnbundlingJobAction
struct  ParsedClangName
 Helper structure used to pass information extracted from clang executable name such as i686-linux-android-g++. More...
class  PrecompileJobAction
class  PreprocessJobAction
class  RegisterEffectiveTriple
 Set a ToolChain's effective triple. More...
struct  ResponseFileSupport
class  RocmInstallationDetector
 A class to find a viable ROCM installation TODO: Generalize to handle libclc. More...
class  SanitizerArgs
class  StaticLibJobAction
class  Tool
 Tool - Information on a specific compilation tool. More...
class  ToolChain
 ToolChain - Access to tools for a single platform. More...
class  VerifyDebugInfoJobAction
class  VerifyJobAction
class  VerifyPCHJobAction
class  XRayArgs


typedef SmallVector< InputInfo, 4 > InputInfoList
typedef llvm::DenseMap< const JobAction *, const char * > ArgStringMap
 ArgStringMap - Type used to map a JobAction to its result file.
typedef SmallVector< Action *, 3 > ActionList
 ActionList - Type used for lists of actions.


enum  LTOKind { LTOK_None , LTOK_Full , LTOK_Thin , LTOK_Unknown }
 Describes the kind of LTO mode selected via -f(no-)?lto(=.*)? options. More...
enum  ModuleHeaderMode { HeaderMode_None , HeaderMode_Default , HeaderMode_User , HeaderMode_System }
 Whether headers used to construct C++20 module units should be looked up by the path supplied on the command line, or in the user or system search paths. More...


bool isOptimizationLevelFast (const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args)
bool willEmitRemarks (const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args)
llvm::StringRef getDriverMode (StringRef ProgName, ArrayRef< const char * > Args)
 Returns the driver mode option's value, i.e.
bool IsClangCL (StringRef DriverMode)
 Checks whether the value produced by getDriverMode is for CL mode.
llvm::Error expandResponseFiles (SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &Args, bool ClangCLMode, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, llvm::vfs::FileSystem *FS=nullptr)
 Expand response files from a clang driver or cc1 invocation.
void applyOverrideOptions (SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &Args, const char *OverrideOpts, llvm::StringSet<> &SavedStrings, raw_ostream *OS=nullptr)
 Apply a space separated list of edits to the input argument lists.
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Multilib &M)
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const MultilibSet &MS)
const llvm::opt::OptTable & getDriverOptTable ()
bool findMIPSMultilibs (const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &TargetTriple, StringRef Path, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, DetectedMultilibs &Result)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ActionList

ActionList - Type used for lists of actions.

Definition at line 25 of file Util.h.

◆ ArgStringMap

typedef llvm::DenseMap<const JobAction*, const char*> clang::driver::ArgStringMap

ArgStringMap - Type used to map a JobAction to its result file.

Definition at line 22 of file Util.h.

◆ InputInfoList

Definition at line 50 of file Driver.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LTOKind

Describes the kind of LTO mode selected via -f(no-)?lto(=.*)? options.


Definition at line 58 of file Driver.h.

◆ ModuleHeaderMode

Whether headers used to construct C++20 module units should be looked up by the path supplied on the command line, or in the user or system search paths.


Definition at line 68 of file Driver.h.

Function Documentation

◆ applyOverrideOptions()

void clang::driver::applyOverrideOptions ( SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &  Args,
const char *  OverrideOpts,
llvm::StringSet<> &  SavedStrings,
raw_ostream *  OS = nullptr 

Apply a space separated list of edits to the input argument lists.

See applyOneOverrideOption.

Definition at line 6893 of file Driver.cpp.

References applyOneOverrideOption().

◆ expandResponseFiles()

llvm::Error clang::driver::expandResponseFiles ( SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &  Args,
bool  ClangCLMode,
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &  Alloc,
llvm::vfs::FileSystem *  FS = nullptr 

Expand response files from a clang driver or cc1 invocation.

ArgsThe arguments that will be expanded.
ClangCLModeWhether clang is in CL mode.
AllocAllocator for new arguments.
FSFilesystem to use when expanding files.

Definition at line 6739 of file Driver.cpp.

References ClangCLMode, and clang::Default.

Referenced by forEachDriverJob().

◆ findMIPSMultilibs()

bool clang::driver::findMIPSMultilibs ( const Driver D,
const llvm::Triple &  TargetTriple,
StringRef  Path,
const llvm::opt::ArgList &  Args,
DetectedMultilibs Result 

◆ getDriverMode()

llvm::StringRef clang::driver::getDriverMode ( StringRef  ProgName,
ArrayRef< const char * >  Args 

Returns the driver mode option's value, i.e.

X in --driver-mode=X. If Args doesn't mention one explicitly, tries to deduce from ProgName. Returns empty on failure. Common values are "gcc", "g++", "cpp", "cl" and "flang". Returned value need not be one of these.

Definition at line 6722 of file Driver.cpp.

References clang::driver::ParsedClangName::DriverMode, getDriverOptTable(), and clang::driver::ToolChain::getTargetAndModeFromProgramName().

Referenced by clang::driver::Driver::BuildCompilation(), and forEachDriverJob().

◆ getDriverOptTable()

const llvm::opt::OptTable & clang::driver::getDriverOptTable ( )

◆ IsClangCL()

bool clang::driver::IsClangCL ( StringRef  DriverMode)

Checks whether the value produced by getDriverMode is for CL mode.

Definition at line 6737 of file Driver.cpp.

Referenced by forEachDriverJob().

◆ isOptimizationLevelFast()

bool clang::driver::isOptimizationLevelFast ( const llvm::opt::ArgList &  Args)
True if the last defined optimization level is -Ofast. And False otherwise.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob(), and clang::driver::ToolChain::isFastMathRuntimeAvailable().

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

raw_ostream & clang::driver::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const Multilib M 

Definition at line 85 of file Multilib.cpp.

References clang::driver::Multilib::print().

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

raw_ostream & clang::driver::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  OS,
const MultilibSet MS 

Definition at line 320 of file Multilib.cpp.

References clang::driver::MultilibSet::print().

◆ willEmitRemarks()

bool clang::driver::willEmitRemarks ( const llvm::opt::ArgList &  Args)